Homelessness support services
Last Updated: 14 March 2024
The are various organisations which can offer advice, support, help and counselling for anyone who is homeless or is it at risk of experiencing homelessness.
Support agencies
CADAS (Cumbria Alcohol and Drugs Advisory Service): counselling to 11 to 25 year olds who have problems with drink or drug use.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably): helpline and campaign to tackle depression and provide advice and information.
Richmond Fellowship: provides a range of services for people with severe and enduring mental health problems. You need to be referred by social services or by a community psychiatric nurse.
Frank: free confidential impartial drugs advice.
Victim Support: advice and support but not accommodation. They may be able to provide help with finding a refuge place if required.
Turning Point: provide drug/alcohol rehab for people aged 18 years and over. You can contact them directly but will need to have a financial assessment with social services before you can be admitted.
Manna House: advice, advocacy and a drop-in support centre.
Cumbria County Council: Youth Homelessness: provides a range of services and advice for young people, particularly 16 and 17 year olds.
Childline: advice, information and support to children, teenagers and young adults about a variety of issues.
Heads Together: free information and support around relationships, drugs, mental health, money and jobs for people under 25.
Springfield Kendal: Springfield House is a women's only refuge offering temporary supported accommodation for victims of Domestic Abuse. Tel: 01539 726 171. Email: cs@springfieldsupport.org
Shelter: expert advisors give free, confidential advice 365 days a year, helping with everything from mortgage arrears to finding a place to sleep.
Citizen's Advice: Housing: information and advice about housing issues including; your rights and responsibilities, finding somewhere to live, renting or buying a home, landlords, evictions, mortgage payments and help to avoid losing your home.
For further advice contact the Housing Options team using the details below, the same telephone number applies for out of hours calls.
Health services
In an emergency call 999 or 111 is the NHS non-emergency number. Victims of domestic violence can ask to be seen by a female officer and they can arrange transport, medical aid and a safe place for you to go.
South Lakes Citizen's Advice Bureau: free, independent, impartial and confidential advice on a wide range of areas.
Christians Against Poverty: free debt counselling, offering support and solutions.
Women's Aid: national domestic abuse charity in England, providing support to victims of domestic abuse.
Springfield: refuge accommodation and a community support service for women affected by domestic abuse.
Turning the Spotlight is a package of programmes and interventions for partners, ex partners and children experiencing domestic abuse in the home in South Cumbria.
Victim Support: specialist support to help individuals of all ages who have been affected by crime and traumatic events including domestic violence. Victim care team in Cumbria: 0300 303 0157.
galop: is the National lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans domestic violence helpline.
Birchall Trust provides a free counselling service for individual who have experienced recent or historic rape and sexual abuse in South Cumbria and North Lancashire.
Shelter: housing and homelessness charity providing advice to individuals with housing problems.
Samaritans: emotional support for individuals in crisis.
Relate: offer a range of services to support families and couples, offering counselling and advice.
National Family Mediation: free family mediation for separating couples.
National Centre for Domestic Violence: free emergency injunctions service for individuals experiencing domestic violence.
Housing Benefits advice
If you are having issues paying your bills please see our financial hardship help, advice and support.
Our Housing Options Service: gives advice and assistance to anyone at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
Citizen's Advice Bureau: offers free and impartial advice on a range of issues including housing advice.
Manna House: advice, advocacy and a drop-in support centre.
Shelter: free independent advice on all aspects of housing.
Benefits and council tax reduction scheme: we have a benefits calculator that helps you work out how much housing and council tax benefit you may get.
Education and training
Job Centre Plus: advice on current training and careers.
University of Cumbria: courses and student accommodation.
Manna House: advice, advocacy and a drop-in support centre.
Inspira: support services for young people.
Kendal College: offers a range of courses for school leavers, further/advanced education, university qualifications and adult learning.