Disabled Facilities Grants
Last Updated: 8 May 2024
We provide Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) to help pay for changes so people can stay living in their own home.
DFGs are mandatory for certain essential adaptations.
Typical adaptations are:
- stair lifts
- wet floor shower areas
- access ramping
You may have to make a contribution.
Adaptations for children are not means tested. The maximum grant available is £30,000.
What help is available
We will be able to help with the planning and design of the work along with Cumbria Social Services occupational therapists.
You can apply for a DFG if you are:
- registered or registerable as disabled (your social worker or occupational therapist can tell you this) and an owner occupier or tenant (grants are not available for council tenants)
- acting on behalf of a person with disabilities who lives in your home
- a landlord acting on behalf of a tenant who has disabilities
How to apply for a disabled facilities grant
An occupational therapist, in conjunction with us, will make an assessment of your needs and recommend the adaptations required.
We will give you a DFG application form.
If you are visited by any of our officers from Westmorland and Furness Council they will have appropriate identity cards which you should ask to see before letting them in.
How the grant is worked out
Grants are given to those least able to pay for the work. Depending on your finances, a grant may be made available to pay for all, for some or for none of the cost of the work.
You should wait until you receive a formal approval of a grant before work is started.
If a grant is not approved, any costs up to that date will be your responsibility.
If the grant approved does not cover the full cost of the work, you are responsible for the full remaining cost.
If you feel you cannot afford this you may be able to apply for a hardship grant from Social Services. The amount of help available will depend on a further test of your finances.
Getting the work done
Once the grant and any funding from Social Services or yourself is approved, the work can begin.
The progress and supervision of the work is your responsibility. If the work is substantial, you may wish to get professional help.
Westmorland and Furness Council Social Services
For advice and assessment from an occupational therapist, contact 0300 303 2704 or email customerservicessouth@cumbria.gov.uk