
Last Updated: 9 July 2024

We own the lake bed of Windermere and as such any structure (boathouse, piers, wet dock, slipway etc.) which is constructed, replaced or repaired and are fixed or create a footprint on the lake bed are required to apply for approval.

Please complete the SLDC Encroachments Application Form (PDF 140KB / 3 pages)

Applications should be accompanied by the following documents and payment:  

  • Lake District National Park Authority approval
  • Environment Agency works ‘within a water course’ approval
  • location plan
  • current build plan including all measurements (Encroachments applications only)
  • proposed build plan including all measurements (Encroachment applications only)
  • plan of proposed dredged area including square meterage and to what depth (Dredging applications only)
  • method statement
  • HSE risk assessment

Your application will need to be submitted to the Lake Wardens Office at Ferry Nab, address below. Applications are then heard by the Lake Administration Committee however no work can be commenced until their permission is granted.