Local land charges

Last Updated: 7 June 2024

If you are buying a new property or land you'll need to check if it's subject to Local Land Charges.

Local Land Charges are restrictions on land or property which local authorities impose. They affect people who own the land, they have to be registered so people who might want to buy land or property know about them.

You can ask us to search records to let you know about local land charges that relate to property or land you are interested in, the search is usually submitted by your solicitor or conveyancer.

Below you can find out:

Check if the property is in our area

We hold the Local Land Charges register for the whole of the SLDC area which includes parts of the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales national parks.

Find out if the property you are searching is in our area

  1. When the map opens you will see our SLDC district boundary marked in blue.
  2. In the 'Current Address' field, at the top of the map, enter the address details of the property you want to look at.
  3. The map will zoom in on the property and mark it with a 'target' icon.
  4. Zoom out on the map using your mouse (or the scrolling tool in the top left hand corner of the map) to see where the property is in relation to our district boundary.

How to ask for a search

There are two main ways to find entries on the Local Land Charges Register:

  • Request an official local authority search by submitting form LLC1. Usually it is carried out by a conveyancer on behalf of a buyer
  • Requests to search the register yourself. This is known as a personal search.

Local Land Charges forms

The LLC1 certificate includes all entries on the local land charges register:

  • financial charges
  • tree preservation orders
  • conservation area
  • conditional planning consents
  • improvement grants

The form CON29 Enquiries reveals issues like:

  • who maintains the road the property is on
  • the planning and building control history of the property
  • traffic schemes
  • compulsory purchase orders
  • proposed tree preservation orders
  • other notices that may affect the property
  • public footpaths

You can ask for optional information using the form CON29O, like:

  • road proposals by private bodies
  • Houses in Multiple Occupation
  • Advertisement Consents
  • common land and village greens

Request an official local authority search

To carry out a search you will need to:

  • Complete and submit a Local Land Charge Form. Forms are available from any legal stationer or The Law Society
  • provide a plan showing the area to be searched, clearly outlined (this should be a clear, up to date plan, to a minimum scale of 1:2500, showing a north point and grid reference).

Form guidelines:

  • the description of the property or land you are searching for should always be detailed in full
  • if you are searching for a residential property please make sure it has the correct name/number, street, and village and town detail together with postcode if possible
  • if it is a commercial property please include the correct trading name (past/present) followed by a full location description
  • for land or fields a full grid reference is helpful followed by a full location description 

Please contact us you need help.

How to submit a search application 

  • e-mail: lc3@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk
  • by post to the Local Land Charge section, South Lakeland District Council, South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal, LA9 4DQ
  • in person to reception
  • There are a number of private businesses that offer a land registry and property search service and will help you submit an application

What the official local authority search will include

  • the description of the local land charge
  • the registration date
  • details of the authority that can answer questions about the local land charge
  • an official search certificate, which is tamper-proof, digitally signed, and guaranteed by the council, ensuring authenticity
  • a PDF format sent by email
  • the search area on a map
  • refined data
  • assistance from the local authority staff

Making payment

You can pay property search fees over the phone, using a credit or debit card.

If you are a business you can contact us about setting up a bank transfer.

Turnaround time and cancellations

Currently our turnaround time is around 10-15 working days.

Some of the searches we do involve getting information from other organisation. This can affect the turnaround time.

Searches can only be cancelled if they have not been received onto our system.

Make a personal search

Anyone is able to search the Local Land Charge Register. The data can be viewed for free in our reception area.

Please contact us to make an appointment. If you require a specific appointment time please tell us.

Take care when making notes from the data to avoid mistakes. We cannot be held responsible for errors in notes you take.

You must provide: 

  • a full postal address for the property or land
  • a clear up to date plan (preferably HM Land Registry) to a minimum scale of 1:2500 together with an OS map grid reference (if this is available) with the area to be searched clearly outlined

Guidance on personal searches from the office of the deputy prime minister

View planning decisions free of charge.

What the personal search will include

  • the description of the local land charge
  • the registration date
  • details of the authority that can answer questions about the local land charge

Property Search Fees

The search fees in the tables below will be valid from 1 April 2024.

Search fees from April 2024
Service Ex VAT VAT Total
LLC1 and CON29 Including Highways £101.17 £15.83 £117.00
LLC1 £22.00 £0.00 £22.00
Con29 Including Highways £79.17 £15.83 £95.00
Con29O Questions 4-21 (Submitted with an LLC1 or Con29) £16.67 £3.33 £20.00
Con29O Question 22 (Submitted with an LLC1 or Con29) £31.67 £6.33 £38.00
Con29O only searches Admin fee for all Con29O searches submitted without LLC1 or Con29 £11.37 £2.33 £14.00
LLC1 only additional Parcel of Land/Property £17.00 £0.00 £17.00
LLC1 with CON29 or CON29 only additional Parcel of Land/Property £16.67 £3.33 £20.00
History Search for Documents (No charge if reference can be provided) £32.50 £6.55 £39.00

Con 29 is subject to VAT. LLC1 is not subject to VAT.

*Parcel of land, means land (including a building or part of a building), which is separately occupied or separately rated or, if not occupied or rated, in separate ownership.

Fees for copy of documents relating to a submitted search

  • if you can provide the document reference number we will supply the document, by email, free of charge
  • if you do not have the document reference number we will make a charge of £39 inc vat (domestic property)