Burneside Neighbourhood Plan
Last Updated: 3 April 2024
Designation of Burneside Neighbourhood Area
On 28 January 2020 Burneside Parish Council submitted an application to us and the Lake District National Park Authority to amend the Burneside Neighbourhood Area as approved on 29 June 2016. The application proposed a change to the already designated Burneside Neighbourhood Area to include the whole of Burneside Parish.
- Burneside Neighbourhood Area Application 2020 (PDF 56KB / 2 pages)
- Burneside Neighbourhood Area Application: Supporting Statement (PDF 140KB / 2 pages)
- Appendix 1: Proposed area for designation (PDF 1.8MB / 1 page)
Following public consultation, the proposed changes were formally approved by our Cabinet on 9 September 2020. The changes were also approved by the Lake District National Park.
- Formal designation of Burneside Neighbourhood Area (PDF 2.43MB / 2 pages)
- Burneside Neighbourhood Area Cabinet Decision CEX/66, 9 September 2020
As a result, the Neighbourhood Area designation made in 2016 has now been superseded.
Neighbourhood Area Designation 2016
In April 2016, Burneside Parish Council submitted an application to designate the parishes Strickland Roger and Strickland Ketel (excluding the areas allocated for development in South Lakeland District Council's Local Plan known as Land West of High Sparrowmire and part of Land North of Laurel Gardens) as a neighbourhood area. Following public consultation, the proposed area was formally approved by our Cabinet on 29 June 2016.
- Neighbourhood Area Application (PDF/10MB/7 pages)
- Burneside Neighbourhood Area consultation responses
- Formal designation of Burneside Neighbourhood Area (PDF/1.12MB/2 pages)
The Lake District National Park Authority has also approved the application.