Neighbourhood Plans overview

Last Updated: 19 December 2024

People can have a say on new developments in their area by working together to prepare:

  • neighbourhood plans
  • neighbourhood development orders

If your community is thinking about preparing a neighbourhood plan contact  

Please contact us as early as possible so we can help you decide on the way forward. If a Neighbourhood Plan area straddles the border of the South Lakeland Local plan area, it will need to be approved by both planning authorities.

You may also find it useful to read the Neighbourhood Planning protocol (PDF 180KB / 8 pages).

Location of all the designated neighbourhood areas

The first stage in the Neighbourhood Plan process, is the submission of an area application for designation of a Neighbourhood Area. Please complete the form below and return to Westmorland and Furness Council in the post (address details contained in the form).

Area Application for Designation of a Neighbourhood Area (PDF 198KB / 10 pages)

Neighbourhood plans in South Lakeland outside National Parks

Burneside Neighbourhood Plan

Grange-over-Sands Neighbourhood Plan

Heversham and Hincaster Neighbourhood Plan

Allithwaite and Cartmel Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood plans in South Lakeland within National Parks

Neighbourhood Areas in the national parks are designated by the National Park Authorities. Find out if a National Park has a Neighbourhood Plan that might apply to your area:

Neighbourhood Plans within the Lake District National Park (LDNP)

Neighbourhood Plans within the Yorkshire Dale National Park (YDNP)

Neighbourhood planning guidance 

The Campaign to Protect Rural England and the National Association of Local Councils have produced a guide called How to shape where you live: a guide to neighbourhood planning.

There is also additional information at Planning Help

Government guidance includes:

Cumbria Association of Local Councils and Action with Communities in Cumbria have produced a Local Guide to Neighbourhood Planning (PDF 484KB / 4 pages).

Further information: