
Last Updated: 31 October 2024

Our area has had floods and the possibility of flooding is something you need to plan for. Find out: 

What to do in a flood emergency

If there is danger to people or property call the emergency services on 999

How we can help you in a flood

Clearing up after a flood

The Flood Hub offer:

Homeless due to flooding

If flooding has made you homeless you can contact us about housing options.

Out of hours emergency number, charges may apply: 0870 428 6905

How to report flooding

If your property has been flooded inside or outside you can report it online:

Report flooded property

Or you can email us at: LLFA@WestmorlandandFurness.gov.uk

In your email include:

  • what has happened
  • your address including house number and postcode
  • a way to contact you, like your mobile number, telephone number or email

Report flooding main rivers and sea 

Report flooding main rivers and sea to the Environment Agency or call them on 0800 80 70 60 

How to prepare for flooding 

The Flood Hub helps householders, businesses, communities and landowners plan for flooding. 

Flood alerts and warnings 

You can use alerts, warnings and rainfall maps to find out if a flood is likely to happen:

Planning to cope with flooding

You can prepare your own emergency, resilience and flood action plan. Some people have already made emergency plans using our emergency plan template. Community emergency planning 

Flooding can effect services, report problems caused by flooding with your: